Media Kit

Thank you for your interest in Waystone! Below you'll find files and information to assist you in writing your story. Please feel free to contact us at with your questions.

Brand Assets

Downloadable graphics and images.

About Waystone

Waystone turns rocks into personalized jewelry. People can send us their own stones to be shaped and set, or they can choose to engrave on jewelry made from rocks that we've responsibly collected.

Founded by the Herrmann family in 2019, we launched to the public in November 2022 with our flagship Lodestar Necklaces. The Waystone jewelry line now includes necklaces, earrings, cufflinks, and rings, all made at our workshop in Denver, Colorado.

Co-founder Leslie Herrmann, a project manager, crafter, and mother of two, runs the brand. She shares the day-to-day life of an entrepreneur on her Instagram @aprairiewestlife.

Press Releases

Links to future press releases can be found here.